来源:农业银行 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年03月21日
内容导读: 年初以来,朝阳分行党委非常重视信用卡工作,出台了一系列信用卡营销工作措施。
Implemented by chaoyang branch of agricultural bank card business record
Since the beginning of the year, chaoyang branch party committee attaches great importance to credit card, introduced a series of measures to credit card marketing work. Due to the measures are effective, incentive policy in place, fully aroused the enthusiasm all over the employee's work. The comprehensive ranking the province the first credit card business in January, February, chaoyang branch of the credit card business comprehensive ranking continues to lead in the whole province.
By the end of February, credit intermediary business income is 1.91 million yuan, increased by 55.19% over the same period; Effective single merchant for 35 families, year-on-year gain in 23 households, both among the province the first plan completion rate, chaoyang branch of the credit card business comprehensive ranking also topped the first good result.
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