来源:我爱卡 小编:齐红艳 发布时间:2013年09月04日
内容导读: 农业银行借记卡积分如何累积?农业银行借记卡积分累计方法有哪些?农业银行信用卡积分具有相应的累积规则,卡种不同,累积方法也会有所差异,在此,我爱卡小编主要针对农业银行借记卡积分累计方法具体介绍一下。
Agricultural Bank debit card integral cumulative method
Agricultural Bank debit card points how to accumulate?Agricultural Bank debit card total integration methods are there? The Agricultural Bank credit card points can accumulaterelevant rules, a different card types, accumulation method will vary, here, I love small series mainly for Agricultural Bank debit card total integration method to describe specific.
Agricultural Bank debit card integral cumulative method
Each consumer 1 yuan accumulated 1 points, each spending$1 accumulated 8 points, the following transactions do notaccumulate points:
1, applicable to agricultural bank credit card regulations or usethe interest contract and charges, including but not limited to credit card annual fee, credit card cash transaction fees,overdraft interest, overdue fine, overlimit fees, and other credit card charges;
2, the credit card transaction transfer, credit card cashtransactions, online transactions;
3, specific categories of credit consumption, including but not limited to real estate; car sales; wholesale trade; Hospital;primary and high school; University, school, professional school; charity and social service, non-profit; fine; bail and bonds; tax service; government; consular fees; government loans etc..
Reminder: Agricultural Bank debit card with a credit card's name card points can be combined; the main card and cardpoints can be merged.
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